Data Destruction in ITAD: 4 Best Practices

To make the data destruction experience less daunting, we want to share some insights into the most effective best practices to help your ITAD business run smoothly and keep you compliant.

Destroying data is a critical part of ITAD processes. It ensures safety, security, and gives your clients peace of mind - but we all know it’s a lengthy process that requires a keen eye for detail.

To make the experience less daunting, we want to share some insights into the most effective best practices when it comes to data destruction.

  1. Create and maintain a clear data destruction policy: this should be all encompassing, detailing your ITAD company’s best practices for destroying data, and specifying the personnel who are permitted or authorised to be involved with the process. The policy should also state how to deal with the equipment you’ve acquired - whether that’s to recycle, upgrade, donate - and how it should be done. It’s crucial that any information should be clear and unambiguous. The exact methods for data destruction should also be included, and in accordance with other corresponding policies.
  2. Encrypt data beforehand: as a precautionary measure, it is always a good idea to make sure any existing data is encrypted before it is destroyed. This way, throughout the process, there will be even less chance of data breaches or leaks. When you sign your Duty of Care documents with the customer, you are accepting responsibility for any data held on the equipment, ensuring it is erased or destroyed according to the agreement.
  3. Maintain a data retention schedule: here’s an important one. The length of time records should be retained on premises must be laid out from the beginning. When that deadline is met, the data MUST be destroyed. Keeping a schedule like this ensures all personnel are on the same page about how long data should be stored on site, guaranteeing timely destruction.
  4. Offer removable media back to customers: don’t just launch straight into destroying equipment. If any removable media is found (such as a hard drive) it makes sense to simply offer it back to the customer the equipment was acquired from - unless of course, you have agreed to destroy the data and equipment as part of your agreed service.

An ITAD management software platform such as Recycly can help you keep track of your data destruction activities and more. You can learn more about Recycly’s features or get in touch to arrange a demo.

There are many things to consider when ensuring the secure destruction of data. We hope these tips have given some insight into the most important steps you should take.