Recycly Release 2024.12

29th November 2024

We're excited to announce our 12th release of the year: Recycly 2024.12

This release of Recycly brings enhanced usability, inventory and reporting improvements and streamlined workflows for outbound sales and stock management.

Outbound Sales

  • Improved workflow for outbound sales, including changes to improve drop-shipping.
  • Improvements to allow entry of orders where stock is not yet available.
  • Improved formatting of sales order line information when copied to the delivery order.
  • Improved "Find More..." option for delivery addresses that allows any address or customer to be selected if needed.

Inventory and Stock Management

  • Improved naming of stock move statuses for clarity.
  • Enhanced "View/Assign Lots" screen for delivery orders which makes assigning specific lots to deliveries a breeze.
  • Allowed processing of zero-quantity pickings to support instances where the received assets have been imported.
  • The "Receive into Warehouse" wizard now stops the user from processing items already reserved against a collection or drop-off.

Reporting and Data Management

  • Enhanced audit report sources list with filtering by archived status and grouping by audit software.
  • Enhanced support for custom field mapping for Blancco and Global Erasure reports.
  • Added support for "Disk-only" reports for global erasure.
  • Updated inventory reports to include a summary of weights by usage type.
  • Fixed an issue where archived items were included in reports by default.

User Interface and Experience

  • Renamed various areas of the Onboarding / Onboarding Wizard (now "Setup Assistant") and for clarity.
  • Renamed various import related features for clarity.
  • Increased the display limit for Knowledge Base categories.
  • Enhanced address book tag editing screen, added warning when tag is not visible on either Companies or Contacts.
  • Added options to hide item/lot ID numbers and inbound order numbers on ID labels.

Data Import and Export

  • Enhanced the default items/lots data import template with additional fields.
  • More user-friendly messages when Item/Lot creation fails due to missing data.

The above changes are now available for all customers to use (might need to refresh your browser).

If you have any queries do not hesitate to contact us, or simply click here to arrange a comprehensive demonstration!

- The Recycly Dev Team