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Aiken Workbench: Creating a Recycly Item ID Custom Field

Last updated: 3 February 2025 at 15:09:53 UTC by Russell Briggs

By default, our Aiken integration associates Aiken reports with Items in Recycly using the device Serial Number. However, the serial number may not always be easy to enter into Recycly, so it is useful to instead capture the Recycly Item ID into the Aiken report when it is submitted, so it can be directly associated with the item in Recycly.

This guide describes how to create a Recycly Item ID field, which will be required to be entered for all Aiken audits, and will be used to match items in Recycly

1. Enable Custom Fields in Aiken Workbench

First, we need to enable the Custom Fields feature. To do this, in the Aiken Workbench windows application, click the Admin menu then Paramters

On the screen that appears, locate the CustomFields parameter, then click the Enable tick box, then click the Save button to save the change

2. Add a Recycly Item ID Custom Field

In the Aiken Workbench application, go to Admin -> Custom Fields

Select which Aiken tool you will be capturing the Recycly Item ID on.
If you use both PC Auditor and Mobile Auditor, then you'll need to add the custom field twice - once for each tool.

Click the plus (+) button to add a new field

Fill in the field information as per the below

Press the Save button, and a preview of the new field will be shown

3. Auditing devices and entering the Recycly Item ID

Now that you have created the custom field as a mandatory field, any new audits will require the field to be entered.

If a value is not entered while auditing, the user will receive the below message

4. Viewing the Recycly Item ID for audited items

Once the Recycly Item ID has been entered for a unit, it can be viewed in the Aiken Devices list, as per the below

5. Configuring Recycly to pick up the your new Recycly Item ID custom field

The final step is to tell Recycly about your new custom field. To do this, in Recycly go to Inbound -> Configuration -> Hardware Audit Report Sources, and open your Aiken report source

Now in the Aiken Custom Field Mappings area, enter the details of the new field you created, as per the below:

The above will associate your Recycly Item ID custom field with Recycly's Item/Lot ID field, and recycly will use the value of this field to match items.

Now when audit reports come in from Aiken, they will be associated with the entered Recycly Item ID