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Editing Email Templates

Last updated: 4 January 2024 at 16:11:18 UTC by Administrator

Recycly has a very powerful email system, that lets you send and track emails against most records in the system.

Part of this is the ability to send emails using re-usable email templates, which can contain standard content and attachments.

IMPORTANT: We always recommend making email template changes on a copy of the standard template. You can make a copy of an email template by clicking the Actions menu and selecting "Duplicate". You can then refer back to the original template if you have any problems while editing.

Accessing an email template to edit it

You can edit an existing email template directly from the Send Email screen, by hovering over the Load template field, then clicking the button to the right of the selected template to edit it.

This takes you to the Email Template Editor

Alternatively, you can go direct to the Users and Settings app, and select Settings -> Email Templates

Entering and formatting text, bullet points and images

In the Content area of the email template, you can enter and edit text.

You can format areas of text by highlighting it, as shown above.

You can insert bulleted lists, tables, images, and many other items into the template by first typing a forward slash ("/") then selecting an item from the pop-up list

Inserting Data from the a recycly record

One of the most powerful features of email templates is the ability to include any data from the current record in the body of the message. For example the Customer and total amount of the current quote.

To insert recycly data into your email template, type a forwardslash ("/") then type "dynamic" and select the Dynamic Placeholder option.

Once you have selected the Dynamic Placeholder option, you will be presented with the list of available fields, which you can search by typing in the search box

Some fields (such as Customer) allow you to insert a "sub-field", for example to insert the customer name, you can select Customer and then Name, as shown below

After selecting the field, you will be asked to enter a Default Value. This will be used if / when the selected field is empty. Simply press enter if you do not want a default value.

Dynamic Placeholder fields are then shown with a blue background as shown below

Testing your email template

You can test your email template out easily using the Preview button, which can be found in the top-right of the email template editor screen

This screen allows you to select a record to test with (for example an existing Quotation) and then see what the template output will look like

Adding standard attachments to email templates

If you have standard attachments such as terms and conditions, you can add them to email templates, so that whenever the email template is used, those attachments are automatically added to the outgoing emails.

To add attachments to email templates, simply click the Attachments button in the content tab, and upload the file you wish to add.