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< Back to Article ListConfiguring Outgoing Email via Google Workspace
Last updated: 6 December 2024 at 13:20:01 UTC by Russell Briggs
Recycly allows you to configure your system to send emails via your Google Workspace account, so that you can send Quotes and Invoices directly from your Recycly system.
1. Configure the Outgoing Email Server
To configure your system to send emails via GSuite, first go to Settings -> Outgoing Email Servers
You will see the default Recycly email server. This is used for sending things like password resets so you should not remove this.
Click the New button to create a new Outgoing Server, with the details as below:
The username should be a Google Workspace account with permission to send as any email address that you wish to use as a "From" address in Recycly
Now click the "Connect your Gmail account" button. You will then see the following screens:
1. Select your Google Workspace Account
2. Please click the "Continue" button on the screen below
We are currently in the process of getting our app verified, but the verification has not been completed yet.
3. Please press the "Continue" button on the screen below
This grants Recycly access to send emails from your Gmail account.
Please be assured that there is no code in Recycly that will delete your email! Unfortunately google requires us to request this level of access in order to send emails via its servers.
Once the authorisation is successful, you should see the small green message shown below

2. Test your new Outgoing Email Server
First we need to check that your email address is set correctly on your user account.
Click your username in the top-right of Recycly and select the My Profile option.
Please check that the Work Email and Email fields are set to either a) the same email address you entered in Step 1 above, or b) an email address that the user is allowed to send as.
One you've double-checked the email address in your user profile, you are ready to test your outgoing email server.
Return to the Google Workspace Email Server you created above, and click the Test Connection button.
If all is well, you should receive the Connection Test Successful message in the top-right of the system.
This section details the causes and resolutions for some common issues with setting up Google Workspace email sending.
Error: SMTPDataError: SendAsDenied; not allowed to send as
Full Error:
5.2.252 SendAsDenied; not allowed to send as;
STOREDRV.Submission.Exception:SendAsDeniedException.MapiExceptionSendAsDenied; Failed to process message due to a permanent exception
This error occurs when the email account used to connect to Google Workspace from Recycly does not have permission to send as the email address mentioned in the error.
To resolve this, make sure that your Google account has permission to send as the address you are trying to use